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Everyone needs time to rejuvenate! I know I did. Sunday I dropped the boys off with my parents for 2.5 days and I headed to Portland. Chad left Monday for California for 5 days. I was invited to stay at Mom and Dad Dorris' house in Beaverton. I knew that going there was going to be a great break from the hectic life that I am currently in the middle of, much time needed away and time to rejuvenate my heart and soul.

Sunday night, I spent time with Mom and Dad Dorris, Jim and Patty. I laughed so hard that at one point I was on the floor.

Monday morning I spent some time with Mom D, and I had a chance to cry. It was a good cry. I also had time set aside to spend with close friends; Melissa (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!), Allison and Laura. Thanks for a great day of laughs! These are all people who know me and who I can be real with.

Tuesday I had a quite morning and enjoyed a little "retail therapy" (shopping with NO tax). I got to have lunch with Jim, Chad's best friend.

I so enjoyed my time away. Thank you to all who had a part of my rejuvenation!

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